A festival of Making


How do I apply to teach?

Call for classes is closed for 2015 – sign up for our newsletter to be kept in the loop.

How will I know if my workshop proposal has been accepted?

Once Call for Classes has closed the HANDMADE team will review all the applications and make selections for our programme. You will be notified either way before the Christmas break.

How will I know when the programme is published?

Our programme will be published in early February. If you sign up for our newsletter you will be kept up to date with all the latest developments. Alternatively you can follow us on Twitter or join the conversation on Facebook

How are Masterclasses different from Workshops?

Masterclasses are mostly demonstrations and presentations from high profile experts. Workshops are for you to learn and make from an expert teacher.

How many people will be in the workshops with me?

The number of attendees will vary from workshop to workshop.

Where will HANDMADE 2015 be?

Venues are yet to be confirmed but they will all be located within the central city and they will all be within a short walking distance of each other.

Are all activities repeated in the programme?

Masterclasses occur only once in the programme.  Most workshops occur twice in the programme with the same teacher and content to give you a chance to attend as many as you can fit in your timetable!